蘇珊妮‧歐芙特琳恩 Susanne Ofteringer 1993, 25:49mins
第二部影片中我們可以看到獨立電影人蘇珊娜‧歐芙特琳恩1993年用她的Hi 8錄影機描寫妮可。影片本來只是以幾場採訪作切入,很快就延展變成一個深刻的人物描寫。這部錄影篇章最終成了歐芙特琳恩1995年拍攝的一部紀錄片的基礎,而這部紀錄片也在1997年獲得阿道夫-格里姆獎。
The second tape sees the filmmaker Susanne Ofteringer tracking Nico with her Hi 8 camera in 1993. What began with only a few interviews is soon extended to become a comprehensive portrait. In the end, the video essay shown here became the basis for a documentary film shot by Ofteringer in 1995, for which she received the Adolf-Grimme-Award in 1997.