米夏艾爾‧莫格內 Morgner
在觀看「M. 穿越加崙廷附近的湖」這部影片之時,觀眾變成了一場充滿政治火藥味的顛覆性行動之見證人:這是德意志民主共和國最早的的表演錄影之一,米夏艾爾‧莫格內於1981年9月27日施威林的附近,在諸多嘉賓在場的情況下,如克勞斯‧史塔克,是用一台偷帶進來的錄影機拍攝而成的影片。影片中,莫格內走進一個養鴨的水塘,直到只有他的頭和向上伸的胳膊露在水面上為止。這個畫面看起來就好像他將如一位彌賽亞,預言某種新事物的到來;而此時徳意志民主共和國的共產主義體制仍是處於興盛期。
The film, “M. überschreitet den See bei Gallenthin” (M. crosses the Lake at Gallenthin) has viewers witness an action, the subversive implication of which connotes political dynamite: we can see one of the first film performances in the GDR (former East Germany), which was shot on 27 September 1981 by Michael Morgner in the presence of various guests - Klaus Staeck, for example – with a smuggled video camera. In it, Morgner wades into a duck pond until only his head or his arm held aloft can be seen. It seems that he wants to make a messianic prophecy on the arrival of something new; and this actually at a point when the GDR’s communist system was still in full flower.