烏利希‧呂科林 Ulrich Rückriem 1971, 20:40mins
The videos,“1. Teilungen, 2. Kreise, 3. Diagonalen” (1. Divisions, 2. Circles, 3. Diagonals), were produced by Ulrich Rückriem in 1970/1971 in cooperation with Gerry Schum and Ursula Wevers. The laconic titles already point to the aesthetic of renunciation realised in them: elaborate possibilities for image creation are consciously avoided. On the contrary – the choice of the backgrounds, before which the artist focuses on displaying through simple actions how he can draw circles and diagonals and break wooden laths with the help of his body, is angled at a deliberate simplicity in mounting images. Rückriem’s declared goal is to direct attention consciously onto the production process in that way.