馬賽羅‧梅卡多 Marcello Mercado 1999-2008, 60:00mins
阿根廷導演馬賽羅‧梅卡多1999年來歐洲之時,同時帶了幾千張照片與影片。這些資料是從阿根廷警察局的垃圾桶蒐集來的,是暴力犯罪受害者的照片。就技術的角度來看是傳統的材料,它們被最現代的電腦軟體處理後,組成無止境的影像拼貼圖。一件媒體藝術作品因此而產生,每年還繼續的成長,還在不斷地變化。就像卡爾‧馬克思從未寫完他的「資本論」,梅卡多不斷改變這件由數位技術製造出的影音「資本論」─ 直到今天。
When the Argentinean Marcello Mercado came to Europe in 1999, he brought with him thousands of photos and films. They came from the rubbish bins of Argentinean police stations and depict victims of violent crime. This – from a technological point of view – conventional material was combined using the most advanced computer software to form collages overflowing with images. A work of media art was created, which is still evolving, growing with every year. Like Karl Marx, who never finished “Das Kapital”, Mercado modifies his digitally produced, audiovisual Kapital again and again – right up to today.
There is no final cut, just an extract. Kapital volatilizes time and again, but nevertheless its presence can be felt.