艾德蒙‧庫波 Edmund Kuppel 1975, 05:08mins
艾德蒙‧庫波1975年的錄影作品「拍影片-拍影片的人-4分鐘環遊世界」用偽實驗的方法在短短幾分鐘內環遊地球。做測試的人即是藝術家本人,他全身上下的連身服給人科學家的感覺。只見他腳步輕快地穿過一片草地,向地平線走去,直到他消失在視野之外。片刻之後,攝影機從後面又漸漸地接近他。 這個死角本來是無法用攝影機拍到的,但利用鏡子的一套設備之輔助下,就可達成。 於是完成了一場完美無缺環遊世界虛構之旅。
Edmund Kuppel’s 1975 video,“filmen – filmer – In 4 Minuten um die Welt”(filming –filmer / filmmakers – around the world in four minutes) shows a pseudo experiment in the attempt to circle the globe in four minutes. The subject of the test is the artist himself, who, in his full-body suit, comes across as a scientist. He walks across a pasture towards the horizon at a brisk pace until he disappears from view. A few moments pass, and we see him then coming up to the camera from behind. This blind spot, in actual fact out of camera shot, is reached by a special apparatus using a mirror. The illusion of a successful trip around the world is perfect.