沃爾夫‧卡稜 Wolf Kahlen
1980/2001, 22:52mins
所有到場嘉賓的神經都高度緊張,每個人都屏住呼吸 …然後,突然一聲大叫「注意,開拍」。1980年2月1號沃爾夫‧卡稜在東柏林的一家畫廊所作的同名表演錄影,其中多次大聲喊出這兩個詞,應該就是像這般的情景。接著的一幕是,卡稜將鏡頭固定於一點,凝結當下的情景和影像畫面,然後拉弗‧溫科勒,其藝名是AR‧彭克,便馬上使用這些畫面進行即時現場創作。
The nerves of all the guests present are on edge, and everyone is holding their breath …then the call suddenly comes: “Heads up, shooting”. That, or something like it, is how it must have been, when Wolf Kahlen called out these words several times during the eponymous video performance on 1 February 1980 in an East Berlin gallery. And to follow: Kahlen’s locking of the camera onto one point and the freezing of this situation and the associated video image, which Ralf Winkler, alias A.R. Penck, will immediately use for the ad hoc overpaintings he realised there and then.
The video is, therefore, not only a documentation of the events, but simultaneously an adeptly matched portfolio, as it were.