約亨‧西曼 Jochen Hiltmann 1972, 13:31mins
約亨‧西曼1972年的作品「給藝術家」可以看作是一部片中片的錄影短片,探討的主題是藝術家的角色,以及他們與媒體系統的關係。作品營造出較為壓抑甚至幽閉恐怖的氣氛:由於是用特寫的鏡頭拍攝,一開始螢幕看起來就像是個很小的監獄,而藝術家就被關在裡面。唯一的出路只能是:竭力解放自己! 然後銜接此絕境景象的顛覆性的一幕就發生了,電視螢幕被砸個粉碎,這是對媒體最嚴厲的批判行動,不留任何情面地抨擊了電視以及整個媒體體系。
Jochen Hiltmann’s 1972 work,“Für Künstler”(For Artists), can be interpreted as a video-in-a-video, which deals with the role of artists, or respectively, their relationship to the media system. With that, the work radiates something depressing, even claustrophobic: being shot in close-up accordingly makes the monitor begin to seem like an excessively small prison-cell, where artists are locked up. There can only be one way out, namely: throw everything you have into freeing yourself! This aporia thereupon climaxes in the subversive act of smashing the screen – an action speaking profoundly critical of the media, as the television and with it the entire media system really is radically attacked.