魯道夫‧賀次 Dr. Rudolf Herz 1980, 36:39mins
在製作1980年的錄影短片「剷平美術館」時,魯道夫‧賀次與羅絲‧托馬直接以輝煌的藝術殿堂為目標:他們想毀掉慕尼黑美術館 —— 這是一座因納粹背景而背負歷史象徵的建築,今天則是世界最著名的展覽館之一。他們很謹慎地展開行動,設法弄到建築平面圖,徵求爆破專家的意見,或者研究美術館員工的行為習慣。另外,他們的作品還探討了錄影片這種媒介操控現實的能力:錄影片看似客觀的紀錄方式,帶出的卻是一個歷史書寫的虛構部分。
With their 1980 video, “Das Haus der Kunst abtragen” (Removing the Haus der Kunst/House of Art), Rudolf Herz and Ruth Toma take direct aim at the hallowed halls of art: they want the Haus der Kunst in Munich – an edifice with heavy symbolic import from its Nazi past and today belonging the world’s most renowned museums – destroyed. In the process, they work very fastidiously, get hold of site-plans, ask ostensible demolition experts or study the routines of the museum staff. Beyond that their work deals with the capacity of the video medium to manipulate reality: the video’s ostensibly objective documentary quality brings a fictive element in historiography to the fore.