古斯塔夫‧哈莫斯 Gusztáv Hámos 1983/87, 25:20mins
在古斯塔夫‧哈莫斯1983/1987年的作品「存在的虛構 II:無敵者」之中,觀眾將與亞歷山大‧雷蒙得所創造出來的超級英雄人物弗拉旭‧格爾登共同經歷一場冒險。同時,藝術家還很成功地探討了錄影短片與電影間的關係,以及觀者觀看它們之時不同的認知方式。他應用不同的戲劇佈局的效果 —— 時而使用客觀的特寫鏡頭,時而使用主觀的運鏡 —— 目的便是讓這兩種方式清楚地呈現,整部作品用處理聲音和畫面的情節的手法,還製造了緊張的效果,令人印象深刻。
In the work, “Seins Fiction II: Der Unbesiegbare” (Signs Fiction II: the Invincible) from 1983/1987, viewers are caught up in an exciting adventure, which they experience together with Flash Gordon, the famous super-hero created by Alex Raymond. At the same time, the artist successfully investigates the relationship between video and film and the differing reception of the two forms. The different mis-en-scène – now through objective close–ups, now through subjective camera movement - is meant to make this dichotomy visible and, beyond that, to evoke the tensions, which the whole work impressively radiates by means of its acoustic and visual storyline.