克勞斯‧馮布魯赫 Klaus vom Bruch 1975, 06:46mins
單是就標題「綁架一個畫商不再是烏托邦」,觀者就知道這部克勞斯‧馮布魯赫1975年所拍的片是一部驚悚片。事實上,著名的電影「粉紅豹」的原聲帶又巧妙地增加了影片的懸疑性。觀眾們自然而然就會聯想到間諜片:一個神秘的陌生人,手持一把槍站在鏡頭前,除了他的武器上刻著「008」之外,我們對他就一無所知了 … 。同時,這件作品以及它的標題也暗示了當時發生的一個事件:在此前不久,1975年紅軍旅綁架了彼得‧羅倫斯。
The title already signals it – with Klaus vom Bruch’s “Die Entführung eines Kunsthändlers ist keine Utopie mehr” (Kidnapping an Art-Dealer is no longer a utopian Proposition) from 1975 viewers are dealing with a thriller. And as a matter of fact, the soundtrack to the well-known film, “The Pink Panther”, plays its part in adeptly increasing the suspense in this video. In this way, viewers feel reminded of a spy film: a mysterious stranger stands before the camera holding a gun, and we know nothing else about him than that “008” is engraved on his weapon… At the same time, the work and its title also play on the current affairs of those days: the kidnapping of Peter Lorenz by the RAF (Red Army Faction) a short time earlier in 1975.