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策展理念Curatorial Philosophy

策展人 Curator / 戴嘉明 Jia-Ming Day

    動畫藝術隨著網際網路傳播與動畫設計教育的快速發展已成為當代最熱絡的一種富含人文、美學、社交、經濟等多元的文化活動,相對於純藝術的艱澀難懂,動畫藝術反而更能以一種活潑鮮明的風格形式深入社會各個階層領域,反映當代特有的物質生活與精神涵養,更同時扮演著舉足輕重地位的主流文化與次文化之傳遞角色。英國皇家藝術學院(RCA)是英國乃至歐洲最頂尖的藝術設計學府,該校動畫教育超過27年,造就無數動畫專業人員並在世界各影展發光發熱。RCA動畫系著重思考性、批評性與繪畫性。此理念與本次策展強調動畫藝術性的特質不謀而合,值得推薦給大衆觀賞動畫教育的另一種面貌。本展覽精心挑選歷年來優秀 且具代表性作品一次呈現,並感謝台北市文化局與台北數位藝術中心的鼎立支持。


   With the dissemination power of the Internet and ever-evolving curriculum in art and design education, animated art has presented diverse forms of modern display that incorporates cultural, esthetic, social and economic elements of our world.
Compared to fine art, which tends to be arguably obscure, animation is more easily accepted among all demographic groups in a society, regardless of age, sex, social status and other backgrounds. What animation reflects are the contemporary material life and spiritual life of human beings, as it is a significant carrier of mainstream culture and sub-culture.
   Royal College of Art (RCA) in London is a top-notched institute for art and design in the UK and Europe. Its 27-odd years animation program has successfully produced numerous animation professionals who frequently invited and award art exhibitions and festivals around the world.
The emphasis of the RCA animation program is the ability to think, to criticize and to illustrate. Its philosophy coincides with the objective of this exhibition, one that highlights the artistic quality brought about by animation and the value present in such works for viewers.

   Works included in the exhibition are carefully selected by the curator and are the most representative pieces from RCA in years so that the viewers may enjoy the opportunity to see some of the best works at one single exhibition. The exhibition is made possible thanks to strong support from the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, and Digital Art Center, Taipei.