Digital Art Festival


Connectivity between interfaces is always one step ahead of the single interface network, wherein the originally intended functionality of the interface covers oneself and the external expandability. No single interface will be designed to work by itself alone, but rather as a passage of channel in a complete system; partly to accomplish the specialized task as design...

Event Website


In terms of creating art, digital techniques and concepts translate to an innovation in form as well as an evolution in content. While the former is an obvious, concrete fact – with newer techniques of course come newer forms of representation, giving the works more diverse potential for development – it is with the latter, the new possibilities presented by digital c...

Event Website

Aura Spurt --- Remoteness Nearby

Art festivals are the best occasions for speaking out or gathering people. Nevertheless, the credit of an art event is decided entirely by the direction and themes it sets out in the first place. Aura Spurt -- Remoteness Nearby aims to, in the short term, bring an international perspective by inviting eminent artists from all over the world to take part and, in the lo...

Event Website