Imaginary Body Boundary
策展人 孫以臻
Curator Yi-Cheng SUN
藝術家 克勞‧金齊 林沛瑩 長谷川愛 郭城 顧廣毅
Artist Klau Kinki, Pei-Ying Lin, Pei-Ying Lin, Cheng Guo, Kuang-Yi Ku
開幕茶會 2015/08/14 (五) 19:00
Opening 2015/08/14 (Fri.) 19:00
導覽活動 2015/09/26 (六) 14:00
講者: 策展人 孫以臻
Curator Guide (Yi-Cheng SUN)
2015/09/26 (Sat.) 14:00
展期 2015/08/15-2015/10/04
Date 2015/08/15-2015/10/04
週二至週日10:00—18:00 (週一休館)
With the ability of imagination, human can build up non-existent experience and make knowledge learning possible. However, there is a gap between imagination and reality, as the body which is be realized by knowledge and by real experience. The way we chose to realize our body decides the outline, the function, the value, and the boundary of our bodies. In contemporary era, people realize their own bodies mainly by knowledge but rarely by real experience. With biotechnology rapidly developing, people and their bodies seem like a floating boat in the ocean almost lose themselves but be controlled by knowledge system and biotechnology. In this exhibition, through five pieces, we try to rethink the knowledge we received and build up new relationship between“people and their body” and “body and biotechnology”, constructing an alternative view on body.