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Variation of sweet home

Loh, Li-Chen

Year: 2009

Size: 170cm X 180cm


  • DVD Player x1
  • Projector X1
  • Installation x1

Media: Video Installation


Between creating art and participating in exhibitions, there is often some delay in conversation

How silly it is that, right at the moment of impending premier

Somehow I feel

The works are exhibited, but there must be some minor adjustment I must make

The exhibition has ended, but I want to add to my epilogue

The taste always lingers in my mouth

Works must be pondered over and over, to converse more and more


On matters of home, I have spent many hours, and created a few suites of works

The splendor and variations should be in order to provide an ending for all these emotions after working hard.

Perhaps it has something to do with the memories of growing up, or perhaps from some old script

I feel those families with fine exteriors but rotten interiors

those lively, raucous, and prosperous families always end in loneliness

Always drawing much sneering and sighs.



I shall try to make a variation completely through methods of great splendor

To let all the magnificence shine as they are reflected in the retina

Creating a contrast between the conspicuous and the lonely

Let exuberance be void

Let variations be strange


When the stars rise

Minuscule dots of light flash before eyes

That magnificent splendor, that variation, left by amnesia

Brings what was thought to be lost in the past

Back into my thoughts
