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The Portrait of Eve Clone

Lin, Pey Chwen


Size: 46cm x 58cm x 4cm

Materials: acrylic aluminum frame, spotlight

Media: Dynamic 3D holographic


“The Portrait of Eve Clone” reflects on a result of the current state of human technological civilization. In it, Eve (representing humanity) is evolved into a “human-larvae,” or even a “human-beast” hybrid. While retaining her beauty, (symbolizing how genetic engineering is euphemistic for the betterment of mankind, but can lead to a catastrophe for all species), Eve’s face is cold and lifeless, like the elements: gold, silver, copper, iron, earth (ceramic clay). Her forehead is engraved with the numbers, 666, in numerous languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, German, Arabic, Arabic numbers, Hungarian, Egyptian Hieroglyphs. This symbolizes that all tribes, races, and nations cannot escape from the stranglehold of the Beast.

Therefore, to fully display the clone of Eve from all angles, I choose to depict my composition of Eve via 3D Hologram technology. My objective is to show Eve from all angles in various postures and facial expressions. Then, I use transparent acrylic boards to seal her image like a specimen within a framed display. Let viewers see the Beast from the Book of Revelations. When the audience’s view moves from left to right, they will be surprised to see that the eyes of the Eve Clone will remain gazing in their direction, signifying the dangerous seduction beneath her beauty.
