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The blood of Christ

Liu, Shih-Fen

Year: 2008

Size: 120 x 120 CM

Materials: Color pencils, body image digital output


"The soldiers take the gall to Jesus blending wine to drink, he tasted, he would not drink."

Matthew 27:34


Papaver somniferum

Poppy native to southern Europe and Asia, Iran, Turkey and other places, in the 7th century and was introduced to China from Persia, is an annual opium poppy plants, and its large and beautiful flowers, four petals. Unripe fruit juice made from Opium is the oldest of pain killers, but people will be turned into heroin or morphine addiction.

Some scholars have pointed out that the verse here is referred to in the gall poppy. And the wine produced by blending the anesthetic effect can reduce the suffering of the crucified criminals. But he refused, he was clear and bright in a state of sanity suffer!

To negative images of the body combined with MRI brain images of people into the class of brain cyst type, point to a kind of suspended in the context of faith and the existence of multiple phenomena like state.

Down on one knee in the giant man under opium poppy, hand squeezed his mouth in one hand and cover your ears for the cries of pain, do not want to hear do not want to call. To the present consciousness - beliefs and multidimensional phenomenon of sophistry.
