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myData = myMondrian

Yeh, C. J.

Year: 2007

Size: Net art

Materials: Computer, Internet, Printer


The gripe many skeptics have with computer-based art is that the medium often takes precedence over the message. “Equal” series is my attempt to focus on the creative process of art and, at the same time, address data input as a metaphor for the Modernist thought process.

Through out this series, what I have been trying to do is using programming language to connect everyday activities with acclaimed Modernist masters. By analyzing the formal elements of these masters’ signature style and then turn them into algorithms, I have been able to create art interfaces that enable users to make art in unexpected ways.

“myData=myMondrian” has an interface which is a replicated sign-up form for an online dating site. Rather than fishing for friends, the result upon hitting “enter” is a quick cyber-mastication of one’s personal stats and their subsequent regurgitation in the form of a Piet Mondrian-like composition.
